A self-paced online course for friend and family officiants committed to honoring their loved ones with a personalized, authentic wedding ceremony


Google templates are dated. AI hasn’t fully captured the depth of our humanity (yet).

YOU know your loved ones best! This course was created with you in mind, heart, and soul to guide you in authentically and confidently officiating your loved ones wedding ceremony.

The Officiating with Authenticity Course Includes:

  • Six easy-to-follow video modules that guide you in creating a meaningfully personalized wedding ceremony and help you gain the confidence to officiate with authenticity.

  • Love Storyteller Workbook that guides you and your loved ones across every module. From guidance in understanding your loved one’s ceremony vision and writing their ceremony to confidently public-speaking and navigating wedding day logistics.

  • Ceremony Starter Templates for each Ceremonial Element in order to help you face the daunted blank page and write with love-filled intentionality

  • Resources to accurately complete the marriage license legalities, which varies state by state

  • Wedding Ceremony Inspiration for nearlyweds based on various interests from literature and music to modern-day shows

  • Lifetime Access

One time

We are the love storytelling creators behind the Officiating with Authenticity course

We created this Guide for Friend and Family Officiants who’ve been called to be love storytellers by their loved ones. We’ve been honoring love stories since 2015, have helped friend and family members confidently officiate their first wedding ceremonies with authenticity since 2017, and have created this self-paced video course with you in mind.

In the course, we’ll take you through our love storytelling process from beginning to end in order to spread the power of authentic wedding ceremonies. This course is another expression of our love and we're excited you're here with us!

Guide for Friend and Family Officiants
  • "Happy to inform you that Tim and Sam’s wedding was amazing!! The ceremony went so well. Tim and Sam loved it. I got SOO many compliments. One of Tim’s really good college friends liked the ceremony so much that he wanted me to talk to/give advice to his fiancée’s brother-in-law who is officiating their upcoming wedding. Instead I told him all about you and how amazing you are. 😉 Anyways, thank you so so much for everything with my wedding and Tim and Sam’s wedding. You are incredible at what you do and it was so great getting to know you. I will refer as many people as I can to you."

    Zach, Friend Officiant for Tim and Sam

  • "Thank you again so much for your help. Genuinely couldn't have done it without your help! I felt so confident officiating today! You'd be super proud!"

    Em, First Time Officiant for Jack and Rowan

  • "The only problem with the ceremony is that it's just TOO GOOD!"

    Tim, Friend Officiant for Cory and Lauren

  • "This course really helped me prepare to officiate my first wedding, and has TONS of resources to help you create a ceremony that will fit the lifestyles and interests of whoever you are marrying!"

    Jackie W.

    First Time Officiant


Award-winning destination wedding officiant offering personalized wedding ceremonies